Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Unit 2


AA 2024/2025

AA 2023/2024

AA 2022/2023

AA 2021/2022


ℹ️ Provisional course agenda at a glance

Topic Hours
Intro, Math Recap 5
Unsupervised Learning  
Dimensionality Reduction (PCA, Eigenvectors, SVD) 5
Clustering (kmeans, GMM) 5
Supervised Learning, Non-parametric  
Decision trees 5
Random Forest/Nearest Neigh. 5
Supervised Learning, Parametric  
Linear Regression with Least Squares 5
Polynomial regression, under/overfitting 5
Perceptron, Logistic Regression (LR) 5
Deep Learning  
from LR to Neural Nets 15
Total 60

Program Outline in Detail (Tentative):


Unsupervised Learning:

Supervised Learning:

Toolsets: Python, NumPy (matrix manipulation and linear algebra), scikit learn (basic ML), matplotlib (visualization), PyTorch (automatic differentiation and neural nets).

Credits: This program and material was inspired by the following courses: Stanford CS299, Doretto CS691A, Intro to ML Padova, Stanford CS231, Sapienza DLAI, Sapienza ML